RDB Connection
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Path: System Configs > RDB Connection
RDB (Relational Database) connection refers to establishing a connection between the application and the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for data interaction between the application and the database. With this connection, the application can perform database operations such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting to read and modify data in the database.
Click Create to proceed to the creation page.
Fill in the data or make selections as instructed below. The fields marked with “*” are required.
Connection Name*: An identifiable name for the RDB connection.
JDBC URL*: A string used to establish a connection between the application and the database. It contains the necessary information for connecting to the database, including the database's location, driver name, port number, database name, and other connection properties. A JDBC URL is typically used by Java applications to establish a connection with a relational database.
User Name*: An identifiable user name.
Password: The password for the database. If it's an empty password, fill in ENC().
Max Pool Size*: The maximum number of connections that can exist in the connection pool.
Connection Timeout(ms)*: The duration after which the system times out when attempting to establish a connection to the database or remote servers.
Idle Timeout(ms)*: The timeout for idleness. After establishing a connection to the database or remote servers, if the connection remains inactive for a certain period, the system will automatically close the connection.
Max Lifetime(ms)*: The maximum lifespan of a connection. After establishing a connection to the database or other remote servers, the connection is allowed to remain open for the specified maximum time. If the connection's lifespan exceeds the configured maximum lifetime, the system will automatically close the connection.
HikariConfig Data Source Properties: Additional features can be added here if applicable to this database.
Click Connect Test to verify if the database connection is successful.
Click Create to save and exit.
Modify the information, and click Update to save and exit.
A warning prompt displaying the message “Confirm Delete?” will pop up. Click Confirm to delete the RDB Connection and exit.
Search for the RDB Connection to view details, and click on theicon to access the Details page.
Search for the RDB connection to modify, and click on the icon to access the update page.
Search for the connection to delete, and click on the icon to proceed.