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Path: Client Management > GTW API IdP
In this section, you can find instructions on how to maintain the API authentication servers using the gateway.
To search for GTW API IdP, you can search using the relevant information as keywords.
Users can create, update, view details, and delete the clients.
Click Create to access the API IdP Client creation page.
Fill in the data or make selections as instructed below. The fields marked with “*” are required.
Enable*: This account is active (Y) or inactive (N).
Page Title*: Header of the login page.
Icon: Click Choose file to select and upload an identifiable GTW API IdP image. If no image is uploaded, the system will automatically use the digiRunner logo.
Request URL*: Specify the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the resource or service to be accessed.
Request Header: The metadata section of an HTTP request, containing additional information about the request such as request attributes, browser-related information, user authentication, etc. The Request Header is typically used to convey meta-information about the client (such as the browser) and the request, allowing the server to properly handle the request.
Request Body*: Select from none / form-data / x-www-form-urlencoded / raw.
Response*: Select the response type from HTTP status / HTTP status + return code.
For HTTP status, the following fields required: ID, ID, ID Token.picture.
For HTTP status + return code, the following fields required: JSON Field*, Value*, ID, ID, ID Token.picture.
JSON Field: A specific element or attribute within a JSON data structure. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format commonly used for transmitting and storing data between applications. JSON data is organized in name/value pairs and can include various types of values such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and other JSON objects.
Value: The specific data or information returned as a result of a computation, request, or operation. This data is typically obtained through API requests, function calls, queries, or other interactive processes.
ID In OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), after a user is authenticated, the Authorization Server usually generates an ID Token to provide information about the authenticated user to the client. The ID Token contains several predefined standard claims, one of which is "name".
ID In OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), the ID Token typically includes an "email" claim representing the authenticated user's email address. The value of the "email" claim is the user's email address, which may be used to identify the user or for subsequent application use.
ID Token.picture: In OpenID Connect (OIDC), the ID Token can include a "picture" claim representing the authenticated user's avatar or photo. The value of the "picture" claim is the URL or other reference to the user's avatar image. This claim is typically used to allow applications to display the authenticated user's avatar, providing a more personalized user experience.
3. Click Create to save and exit.
View the API IdP client details.
Modify the desired fields, and click Update to save and exit.
A warning prompt displaying the message “Confirm Delete?” will pop up. Click Confirm to delete this API IdP client and exit.
To view the details of GTW API IdP, you can search using the relevant information as keywords, and click on the icon to access the GTW API IdP Client List page.
Search for the API IdP client you want to view details, and click on theicon to proceed.
Search for the API IdP client you want to modify, and click on the icon to access the update page.
Search for the client ID to delete, and click on the icon to proceed.