GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP
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Path: Client Management > GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP
In this section, you can find instructions on how to maintain the OAuth 2.0 third-party authentication servers using the gateway.
To search for GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP, you can search using the relevant information as keywords.
In this section, you can find instructions on how to add a new IdP integration under this client.
Click Create to access the IdP creation page.
Fill in the data or make selections as instructed below. The fields marked with “*” are required.
Client Id*: A unique identifier used by third-party applications for identification and accessing protected resources.
Enable*: This account is active (Y) or inactive (N).
Type*: License Type, a third-party application authorized by the user.
Remark: User's comments.
IdP Client ID*: A unique identifier used by digiRunner for identification and accessing protected resources.
IdP Client Name*: An identifiable username.
IdP Client Password*: User password.
Callback URL*: Redirect the user back to the specific URL of the client application and include the license certificate
Well Known URL*: A set of public, fixed URL paths used to store specific configuration information or metadata for a website or application.
Auth URL: The URL used to guide users through the authentication process, and allows applications to obtain the necessary authorization to perform specific operations or access restricted resources.
Access Token URL: The specific URL used to obtain the Access Token. During the OAuth 2.0 authorization process, Access Token is a credential that represents that a user has been authorized to access protected resources.
Scope: Specify the range of the client application’s access to user resources. Scope might vary based on the needs of OAuth applications and is specified and implemented by an authorized service provider (usually an OAuth 2.0 licensed server).
Click Create to save and exit.
Modify the desired fields, and click Update to save and exit.
A warning prompt displaying the message “Confirm Delete?” will pop up. Click Confirm to delete this GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP and exit.
To view the GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP, first search using the information as keywords, and click on theicon to access the page of the GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP details.
Search for the GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP to view details, and click on theicon to access the page of the GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP details.
Search for the information to modify, and click on the icon to access the update page.
Search for the GTW OAuth 2.0 IdP to delete, and click on the icon to proceed.